(35 ILCS 200/21-117)
    Sec. 21-117. Costs of publishing delinquent list. A county shall pay for the printer for advertising delinquent lists the following fees:
        (1) in all counties, for tracts of land, $0.40 per column line; and
        (2) for town lots, (i) in counties of the first and second class, $0.40 per column line
and (ii) in counties of the third class, $0.50 per column line, to be taxed and collected as costs.
    The printer shall receive for printing the preamble, the descriptive headings, the affidavit, and any other matter accompanying the delinquent list, the sum of $0.40 per column line, to be paid by the county.
    No costs except printer's fee shall be charged on any lands or lots forfeited to the State.
(Source: P.A. 93-963, eff. 8-20-04.)