(35 ILCS 200/11-30)
    Sec. 11-30. Powers and duties of the certifying board. Before denying any certificate, the Pollution Control Board shall give reasonable notice in writing to the applicant and provide the applicant a reasonable opportunity for a fair hearing. On like notice to the holder and opportunity for hearing, the Board may on its own initiative revoke or modify a pollution control certificate or a low sulfur dioxide emission coal fueled device certificate whenever any of the following appears:
        (a) the certificate was obtained by fraud or misrepresentation;
        (b) the holder of the certificate has failed substantially to proceed with the
construction, reconstruction, installation, or acquisition of pollution control facilities or a low sulfur dioxide emission coal fueled device; or
        (c) the pollution control facility to which the certificate relates has ceased to be
used for the primary purpose of pollution control and is being used for a different purpose.
    Prompt written notice of the Board's action upon any application shall be given to the applicant together with a written copy of the Board's findings and certificate, if any.
(Source: P.A. 82-134; 88-455.)