| by the Commission, of a position classification plan for all positions subject to this Code, based upon similarity of duties performed, responsibilities assigned, and conditions of employment so that the same schedule of pay may be equitably applied to all positions in the same class. However, the pay of an employee whose position is reduced in rank or grade by reallocation because of a loss of duties or responsibilities after his appointment to such position shall not be required to be lowered for a period of one year after the reallocation of his position. Conditions of employment shall not be used as a factor in the classification of any position heretofore paid under the provisions of Section 1.22 of "An Act to standardize position titles and salary rates", approved June 30, 1943, as amended. Unless the Commission disapproves such classification plan within 60 days, or any revision thereof within 30 days, the Director shall allocate every such position to one of the classes in the plan. Any employee affected by the allocation of a position to a class shall, after filing with the Director of Central Management Services a written request for reconsideration thereof in such manner and form as the Director may prescribe, be given a reasonable opportunity to be heard by the Director. If the employee does not accept the allocation of the position, he shall then have the right of appeal to the Civil Service Commission.