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Section 390.2960 Nursing Unit
a) General Requirements for Bedrooms
1) Resident bedrooms shall have an entrance directly off of a corridor with an entrance door that swings into the room.
2) Provide a closet or wardrobe of at least four square feet for each resident.
3) No bedroom floor shall be more than three feet below the adjacent ground level.
4) Each room used as a resident bedroom shall have at least one outside window with a total window area equal to one-tenth the floor area of the room.
5) There shall be separate bedrooms for males and females over six years of age unless the interdisciplinary team determines that separation is not necessary due to the functional level of individual residents.
6) A handwashing lavatory shall be provided in each bedroom.
7) Resident bedrooms shall have adequate and satisfactory artificial light and be equipped in accordance with Section 390.3040(c).
8) Receptacles shall be provided in accordance with Section 390.3040(d).
9) Nurses' call system shall be provided in accordance with Section 390.3040(e). (B)
10) Visual privacy shall be provided for residents in multibed rooms in accordance with Section 390.2220(a)(4). Location of screen or curtain shall not restrict resident access to entry, lavatory, or toilet.
11) Resident toilet rooms shall open directly into a corridor or into a resident's bedroom.
b) Resident Bedroom.
1) Each single resident bedroom used for a resident shall have at least 100 square feet of usable net floor area, not including any space taken up for closets, wardrobes, bathrooms, and clearly definable entryway areas.
2) Each multiple bedroom for residents shall have the following floor areas; exclusive of closets, wardrobes, clearly definable entryways:
A) Not less than 75 square feet per bed. Size 38"-40" x 75"-84".
B) Not less than 65 square feet per small bed. Size: 37" to less than 38" x 61" to less than 75".
C) Not less than 60 square feet per large crib. Size: 30" to less than 37" x 56" to less than 61".
D) Not less than 45 square feet per medium crib. Size: 27" to less than 30" x 43" to less than 56".
E) Not less than 40 square feet per small crib. Size: 19" to less than 27" x 35" to less than 43".
F) Not less than 24 square feet per bassinet. Size: Smaller than 19" x 35".
3) All sleeping accommodations shall be adequate in size considering the resident's age, size, mobility, and functional level.
4) Multiple bedrooms shall not have more than eight residents.
5) Provide a minimum clearance of three feet at the foot and one side of all sleeping accommodations. Clearance is not required when accommodation is not occupied, however, an exit path must always be maintained in accordance with the requirements of the National Fire Protection Association's Standard No. 101: Life Safety Code.
6) The minimum dimension of bedroom shall be nine feet between walls or a wall with any built-in furniture or storage space.
c) Special Care Room
1) Provide one special care room per facility complying with bedroom requirements subsections (a) and (b) of this Section.
2) Additional rooms may be required depending upon the bed capacity of the facility.
3) Provide a minimum of one workroom adjacent to or between each special care room containing lavatories, water closets or clinical rim flush sinks and all the equipment necessary to maintain a safe standard of special care.
4) This room shall be located to provide proper and efficient supervision of the resident by the nursing staff.
5) When more than one resident is housed in this room, it may only be used to isolate residents with the same communicable disease.
6) This room shall be included in the authorized maximum bed capacity for the facility.
7) It is permissible for the room to be occupied by a resident not in need of special care, provided the resident is clearly informed and understands they will be immediately transferred out of the room any time of day or night, whenever the room is needed to care for a resident requiring special care.
d) Nurses' Station
1) Provide a minimum of one nurses' station for each nursing unit. The station shall have direct access to a corridor, shall be located near the area it will serve, and shall be designed to provide visual control of the area. It shall be separated satisfactorily from the nurses' utility rooms. (B)
2) Each nurses' station shall have a medicine sink with hot and cold running water, a work counter, a medicine cabinet, and necessary equipment and furnishings.
3) Provide a nurses' toilet with handwashing sink convenient to the nurses' station.
e) Bathing and Toilet Rooms
1) The minimum number of fixtures per resident use floor shall be one lavatory, one water closet, and one bathing fixture.
2) Additional fixtures shall be provided on each floor based on the maximum capacity of beds, cribs or bassinets (even though some may not be occupied), as follows:
A) Lavatories: One per eight
B) Clinical rim flush sink or water closet for residents capable of using them: One per eight.
C) Bathing or shower fixtures: One per twelve.
3) Provide on each floor at least one bathing facility or enclosure of not less than eight feet six inches by eight feet six inches with an acceptable system for bathing residents with physical disabilities.
4) If a shower is installed instead of a bathtub, such shower shall have a minimum dimension of four feet wide by three feet six inches deep. These showers shall have a water inlet to which is connected a flexible hose with spray or shower head attached to the end of the hose. If desired, a conventional shower head installation may also be provided but it must be valved off from the lower water inlet.
5) Other acceptable fixtures for bathing the residents may be provided with Department approval.
6) All plumbing fixtures shall be designed and installed to satisfactorily serve the residents using them.
7) There shall be separate toilet and bathing areas on each floor for males and females over six years of age unless the interdisciplinary team determines that separation is not necessary due to the functional level of individual residents.
8) If toilet rooms provided adjacent to bedrooms are not large enough to permit use by wheelchairs, at least one toilet room or enclosure measuring five feet by six feet shall be provided on each floor housing residents. Provide a lavatory usable from a wheelchair in this room.
9) All bath and toilet rooms shall be easily accessible and conveniently located. Group bath and toilet facilities shall be partitioned or curtained for privacy.
f) Utility Rooms
1) Every facility shall have clean and soiled utility functions in separate rooms on each floor having resident beds, cribs or bassinets.
2) Clean Utility Room
A) The clean utility room shall be large enough to contain:
i) a work counter or table;
ii) a sink with drainboard;
iii) ample storage cabinets for clean and sterile supplies and equipment; and
iv) an autoclave, if required, for sterilizing needles, syringes, catheters, dressings, and similar items.
B) The autoclave may be located in the nurses' station area. The autoclave may be waived in lieu of other methods of sterilization approved by the Department.
3) The soiled utility room shall be large enough to contain:
A) a two compartment sink with drainboards;
B) ample storage cabinets;
C) a clinical rim flush sink for: rinsing bed pans, urinals, and linen soiled by solid materials, and similar type procedures; and
D) equipment for sanitizing bed pans, emesis basins, urine bottles, and other utensils, which meets accepted methods and procedures for such sanitation.
(Source: Amended at 13 Ill. Reg. 6301, effective April 17, 1989) |