Section 390.1050 Dental Care Services


a)         Every facility shall have an advisory dentist. The advisory dentist shall have a contractual relationship to the facility, setting forth the preventive and therapeutic oral health services to be provided to residents. (B)


b)         There shall be education and training in the maintenance of oral health which includes a dental hygiene program that includes imparting information regarding nutrition and diet control measures to residents and staff; instruction of residents and staff in living units in proper oral hygiene methods; and instruction of parents or surrogates in the maintenance of proper oral hygiene, where appropriate (as in the case of residents leaving the facility). (B)


c)         There shall be comprehensive diagnostic services for all residents (diagnostic for residents from birth to two years of age only if medically indicated) which include a complete extra and intra oral examination utilizing all diagnostic aids necessary to properly evaluate the residents' oral condition within a period of one month following admission unless examined within six months before admission and results received by facility with the results of said examination entered in the resident's dental record as a separate part of the resident's permanent medical chart. (B)


d)         There shall be comprehensive treatment services for all residents which include, but are not limited to the following: (B)


1)         Provision for dental treatment


2)         Provision for emergency treatment on a 24 hour, seven days a week basis, by a qualified dentist.


3)         A recall system that will assure that each resident is reexamined at specified intervals in accordance with their needs, but at least annually. Needed dental treatment shall be provided.


e)         The direct care staff shall receive in-service education at least annually. This will be provided by the dentist or he may utilize a dental hygienist. (B)


1)         Direct care staff shall be educated in ultrasonic and manual denture and partial denture cleaning techniques.


2)         Direct care staff shall be educated in proper brushing and oral health care for residents who are unable to care for their own health.


3)         Direct care staff shall be educated in examining the mouth in order to recognize abnormal conditions for necessary referral.


4)         Direct care staff shall be educated regarding nutrition and diet control measures and the effect on dental health.


5)         Supplemental dental training films shall be included with any other health training films seen on a rotating basis.


f)         The facility's dental program shall provide for proper daily personal dental hygiene care which includes, but is not limited to, the following: (B)


1)         Assistance in cleaning the mouth with electric or hand brush if resident is unable to do so.


2)         Proper cleaning of dentures and partials.


g)         The dental program shall provide for inservice education to residents and staff under direction of dental staff including, but not limited to, the following: (B)


1)         Information regarding nutrition and diet control measures which are dental health oriented.


2)         Instruction in proper oral hygiene methods.


3)         Instruction concerning the importance of maintenance of proper oral hygiene and where appropriate including family members or surrogates (as in the case of residents leaving the long-term care facility).


h)         Each facility shall have a denture and dental prosthesis marking system which takes into account the identification marking system contained in Section 49 of the Illinois Dental Practice Act (Ill. Rev. Stat., 1987, ch. 111, par. 2349). Policies and Procedures shall be written and contained in the facility's Policies and Procedure Manual. It shall include, at a minimum, provisions for: (B)


1)         Marking individual dentures or dental prosthesis, if not marked prior to admission to the facility, within ten days of admittance; and


2)         Individually marked denture cups for denture storage at night.


(Source: Amended at 13 Ill. Reg. 6301, effective April 17, 1989)