AUTHORITY: Implementing and authorized by Section 5(g-5) of the Illinois Emergency Management Agency Act [20 ILCS 3305].
SOURCE: Adopted at 48 Ill. Reg. 15492, effective October 16, 2024; Chapter I recodified at 49 Ill. Reg. 1334.
Section 120.10 Purpose and Scope
a) This Part establishes the criteria for State grants to not-for-profit organizations at high risk of threats, attacks, or acts of terrorism. The grants shall be used to assist the not-for-profit organizations in preventing, preparing for, or responding to acts of terrorism. This Part along with GATA, the GATA Rule, and the Agency GATA Rule, also establishes application requirements and procedures for submission of grant applications and the issuance of grant funds.
Section 120.15 Definitions
"Act" means the Illinois Emergency Management Agency Act [20 ILCS 3305].
"Applicant" means an eligible not-for-profit organization.
"GATA" means the Grant Accountability and Transparency Act [30 ILCS 708].
"Grant Performance Period" means a 3-year period beginning and ending as specified in the Grant Agreement, unless extended by the Agency.
"Grant Recovery Act" means the Illinois Grant Funds Recovery Act [30 ILCS 705].
"Grantee" means an applicant awarded a grant under this Part in accordance with GATA, the GATA Rule, and the Agency GATA Rule.
"IEMA-OHS" or "Agency" means the Illinois Emergency Management Agency and Office of Homeland Security.
"Management and administrative costs" means costs for activities that are directly related to the management and administration of the grant award such as financial management and monitoring. These costs must be based on actual expenses or known contractual costs and are not operational costs. Examples of management and administrative costs are travel, meeting-related expenses, and salaries of full/part-time staff in direct support of the program, preparing and submitting required programmatic and financial reports, establishing and/or maintaining equipment inventory, documenting operational and equipment expenditures for financial accounting purposes, and responding to official informational requests from state and federal oversight authorities.
"NOFO" means the Notice of Funding Opportunity issued by IEMA-OHS.
"Not-For-Profit Organization" means an organization exempt under Section 501(c)(3) of the federal Internal Revenue Code or exempt from the requirements of Section 501(c)(3).
"Project" means all eligible preparedness activities under the federal Nonprofit Security Grant Program and those deemed eligible by the Director of IEMA-OHS.
"Project Site" means all buildings at the physical location with the same address where the funding will be used to complete the Project as specified in the application.
"Terrorism" means the use of threats, force, or violence against persons or property in violation of the criminal laws of the United States or the State of Illinois for purposes of intimidation, coercion, or ransom based on the organization's profile, ideology, mission, or beliefs.
"Vulnerability Assessment" means an in-depth analysis of the building functions, systems, and site characteristics to identify building weaknesses and lack of redundancy, and determine mitigations or corrective actions that can be designed or implemented to reduce the vulnerabilities. A vulnerability assessment should be performed for existing buildings and renovations. The vulnerability assessment provides a basis for determining mitigation and security enhancement measures.