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2    WHEREAS, The Illinois Office of the Treasurer, entrusted
3with the stewardship of the State's financial resources, holds
4a position of paramount importance in safeguarding and
5maximizing the value of investments, which currently stand at
6roughly $60 billion; and
7    WHEREAS, The duties of the state treasurer are to protect
8and bolster the State's investment portfolio, implement
9savings programs to aid Illinois residents in creating a
10better future for themselves, and disburse monies at the call
11of the state comptroller; and
12    WHEREAS, The integration of environmental, social, and
13governance (ESG) criteria and underlying principles have
14infiltrated the treasurer's investment decision-making
15processes; and
16    WHEREAS, The criteria and principles underlying ESG
17investing are inherently susceptible to political and partisan
18influence and agendas; and
19    WHEREAS, The principles of transparency and accountability
20serve as cornerstones in ensuring public confidence and trust
21in governmental institutions, particularly in matters



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1concerning financial management and investment strategies; and
2    WHEREAS, Recent bipartisan concerns have been raised
3regarding the motivations behind certain investment decisions
4made by the Illinois Office of the Treasurer, with allegations
5suggesting that political considerations may be prioritized
6over the best interests of the people of Illinois; and
7    WHEREAS, It is important to hold accountable those who are
8responsible for managing the State's financial resources,
9ensuring that investments are made with the sole aim of
10benefiting the citizens of Illinois and not influenced by
11partisan agendas; and
12    WHEREAS, The state treasurer bears the responsibility of
13assuring economic growth and prosperity within Illinois, and
14any deviation from this mandate in favor of political
15expediency is unacceptable and undermines the public trust in
16the office; therefore, be it
18ASSEMBLY OF THE STATE OF ILLINOIS, that we reaffirm our
19commitment to oversight and accountability in the management
20of the State's investments and urge the Illinois Office of the
21Treasurer to prioritize the well-being and prosperity of all
22residents above political, partisan, or ESG considerations in



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1all investment decisions; and be it further
2    RESOLVED, That we demand full transparency from the
3Illinois Office of the Treasurer regarding the rationale
4behind investment choices to ensure that they are based solely
5on sound financial principles and the best interests of the
6people of Illinois; and be it further
7    RESOLVED, That we pledge to diligently investigate any
8instances where investment decisions appear to have been
9influenced by political motives and to take appropriate action
10to safeguard the integrity of the State's financial management