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2    AMENDMENT NO. ___. Amend House Resolution 647 by replacing
3everything after the heading with the following:
4    "WHEREAS, Research over the last two decades in the
5evolving fields of neuroscience, brain science, molecular
6biology, public health, genomics, and epigenetics reveals that
7experiences in the first few years of life build changes into
8the biology of the human body, including the architecture of
9the brain; and
10    WHEREAS, Brain growth occurs rapidly in the first three
11years of a child's life and accelerates over the next ten
12years, slowing during the early twenties; a child's brain and
13body development can be impaired by certain environmental
14conditions, influencing the person's physical and mental
15health and social outcomes over their life span; and



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1    WHEREAS, Adverse childhood experiences, or ACEs, are
2traumatic experiences occurring during childhood that have
3been found to have a profound effect on a child's developing
4brain structure and body and may result in poor health during
5the person's adulthood; ACEs can be physical, emotional, or
6sexual abuse, neglect, household dysfunction, including
7caregiver substance abuse, untreated mental illness or
8incarceration, domestic violence, or separation or divorce
9involving household members; and
10    WHEREAS, Experiencing ACEs as well as experiencing intense
11and prolonged stress, like community violence, without
12positive influences or nurturing relationships during
13childhood can become known as toxic stress, which can further
14affect a child's brain development and function and lead to
15long-term cognitive and health impairments; and
16    WHEREAS, ACEs studies have also found a strong correlation
17between the number of ACEs and a person's risk for disease and
18negative health behaviors, including suicide, depression,
19cancer, stroke, ischemic heart disease, diabetes, autoimmune
20disease, smoking, substance abuse, interpersonal violence,
21obesity, unplanned pregnancies, lower educational achievement,
22workplace absenteeism, and lower wages; and
23    WHEREAS, Findings from the Illinois 2013 Behavioral Risk



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1Factor Surveillance Survey (BRFSS) supported by the Illinois
2ACEs Response Collaborative found that almost 60% of
3non-institutionalized adult Illinoisans reported having at
4least one ACE; this number equates to almost 5 million Illinois
5residents; 14.2% of Illinois adults reported four or more ACEs;
7    WHEREAS, BRFSS data also showed that approximately 20% of
8African American and Hispanic adults in Illinois reported four
9or more ACEs, compared to 13% of non-Hispanic whites; and
10    WHEREAS, The Illinois 2013 BRFSS also found that 43% of
11women and 48% of men reported having one to three ACEs; 15% of
12women and 13% men reported experiencing four or more ACEs; and
13    WHEREAS, BRFSS data showed that individuals with between 1
14and 3 ACEs reported their physical health was not good 12% more
15often and their mental health was not good 44% more often than
16individuals with no ACEs; individuals with more than 4 ACEs
17reported their physical health was not good 65% more often and
18their mental health was not good 176% more often than
19individuals with no ACEs; and
20    WHEREAS, Individuals with six or more ACEs were found, on
21average, to live 20 years less than those individuals with zero
22ACEs; and



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1    WHEREAS, Among those who misuse opioids, the individuals
2most likely to experience problems with addiction are those who
3suffered ACEs; general population surveys have estimated that
475% of individuals with substance use disorders have
5experienced trauma early in their lives; rates are even higher
6among populations seeking treatment for opioid addiction; and
7    WHEREAS, ACEs appear to be a root cause of many of our most
8challenging health and social problems and, without adequate
9family intervention and support, appear to be transmitted from
10one generation to the next, further exacerbating the poor
11outcomes from ACEs and toxic stress; and
12    WHEREAS, It is less disruptive to well-being, less costly,
13and more effective to positively influence the development of a
14child's brain than to intervene and correct negative
15experiences and outcomes later in life; and
16    WHEREAS, Trauma-informed care is an approach that can bring
17greater understanding and more effective ways to prevent,
18identify, and support and serve children, adults, families, and
19communities affected by ACEs, trauma, adversity, and toxic
20stress; and
21    WHEREAS, Trauma-informed care is not a therapy or an



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1intervention; it is a principle-based, culture change process
2aimed at recognizing strengths and resiliency and helping
3people who have experienced trauma to overcome those issues in
4order to achieve personal and economic well-being; and
5    WHEREAS, The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services
6Administration and many other agencies and organizations
7provide substantial resources to better engage individuals,
8community-based organizations, and communities across the
9United States in order to implement trauma-informed care; and
10    WHEREAS, A trauma-informed Illinois enhances the ability
11of children and adults to adapt, cope and thrive despite
12difficult experiences and supports the mental well-being of
13everyone in our state; therefore, be it
16we acknowledge that toxic stress and adverse childhood
17experiences can have significantly negative short-term,
18long-term, and generational impacts, and that early
19interventions through trauma-informed care is the most
20efficient and cost effective way to combat these impacts; and
21be it further
22    RESOLVED, That the Illinois General Assembly is urged to



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1seek out opportunities to enhance legislation through the
2science of resiliency and a trauma informed lens and funding
3around early intervention services for children and families
4that centers the principles of brain development, the intimate
5connection between mental and physical health, and the concepts
6of toxic stress and adverse childhood experiences; and be it
8    RESOLVED, That suitable copies of this resolution be
9delivered to the Governor, the House Speaker, the Senate
10President, the House Majority Leader, the House Minority
11Leader, the Senate Majority Leader, the Senate Minority Leader,
12and the Illinois Interagency Council on Early Intervention."