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2    WHEREAS, The members of the Illinois Senate are saddened to
3learn of the death of Elizabeth Mary Glowczwski; and
4    WHEREAS, Elizabeth Mary Glowczwski dedicated her life to
5the people who mattered most, be they her students, her family,
6or her co-workers, and she affectionately was known as "Liz";
8    WHEREAS, Elizabeth Mary Glowczwski was born in April 10,
91944, in Jennings, Missouri; she was the 9th of 10 children,
10and, from a young age, learned the auto repair trade from her
11father; and
12    WHEREAS, Elizabeth Mary Glowczwski joined the Franciscan
13Sisters of Our Lady of Perpetual Help in Ferguson, Missouri in
141972 and served as a Sister of that order until she left her
15religious life in 1991; and
16    WHEREAS, For a few years following her exit from the
17church, Elizabeth Mary Glowczwski sold cars and was even
18featured on an episode of the Oprah Winfrey Show as "Sister
19Saturn", reflecting her former life and her current job; and
20    WHEREAS, In 1994, Elizabeth Mary Glowczwski returned to



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1what she always viewed as her first calling, teaching; she
2joined the faculty of F.W. Riley Elementary School in Chicago,
3where she taught science to hundreds of 7th and 8th grade
4students; and
5    WHEREAS, Elizabeth Mary Glowczwski settled at Northwest
6Middle School in the Belmont - Cragin area of Chicago, where
7she led her students year after year to the city-wide Science
8Fair; and
9    WHEREAS, After a mild heart attack, Elizabeth Mary
10Glowczwski learned of her late stage pancreatic cancer,
11eventually succumbing to the illness on May 12, 2014; and
12    WHEREAS, Elizabeth Mary Glowczwski died as she lived, full
13of the bright light that led her through life and the
14everlasting hunger of knowledge, which she shared with everyone
15she met; therefore, be it
17ASSEMBLY OF THE STATE OF ILLINOIS, that we mourn, along with
18her family and friends, the passing of Elizabeth Mary
19Glowczwski; and be it further
20    RESOLVED, That a suitable copy of this resolution be
21presented to the family of Elizabeth Mary Glowczwski as an



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1expression of our sympathy.