SR1619LRB098 22291 GRL 61211 r


2    WHEREAS, The members of the Illinois Senate are saddened to
3learn of the death of Marilyn Frances Ellis Swieck of Oak Park,
4who passed away on August 7, 2014; and
5    WHEREAS, Marilyn Swieck was born on September 22, 1924; her
6parents were Frances and Raymond Ellis; she married Raymond R.
7Swieck on July 7, 1945 at Euclid Avenue Methodist Church; and
8    WHEREAS, Marilyn Swieck graduated from Oak Park and River
9Forest High School; and
10    WHEREAS, Marilyn Swieck worked at the Oak Park Public
11Library from 1967 to 1986, retiring as head of the Circulation
12Department; and
13    WHEREAS, Marilyn Swieck loved books, WFMT radio, NCIS, and
14the Oak Park Bakery; she was also a wonderful pianist, knitter,
15baker, and fudge confectioner and was dedicated to social
16justice, the mission work of United Methodist Women, and the
17environment; and
18    WHEREAS, Marilyn Swieck was preceded in death by her
19husband; her parents; a brother, Raymond C. Ellis, Jr.; and
20many beloved aunts, uncles, and pets; and



SR1619- 2 -LRB098 22291 GRL 61211 r

1    WHEREAS, Marilyn Swieck is survived by 3 daughters, Linda
2Hunter, Laura (Julie Sanderson) Swieck, and Leslie Swieck; a
3brother, Ronald (Lore) Ellis; a brother-in-law, Frances (the
4late Helen) Kleifgen; many nieces and nephews; 2 grandchildren,
5Ethan and Addie; and her Euclid Methodist family; therefore, be
8ASSEMBLY OF THE STATE OF ILLINOIS, that we, along with her
9family and friends, mourn the passing of Marilyn Frances Ellis
10Swieck; and be it further
11    RESOLVED, That a suitable copy of this resolution be
12presented to the family of Marilyn Swieck as an expression of
13our sympathy.